The market of algorithmic crypto trading strategies is about to change



Our mission is to democratize machine intelligence in the cryptotrading industry. Any cryptotrader armed with computational power and data science can make smarter and faster trading decisions and maximize trading profits. That is why the Signals Marketplace provides traders with an arsenal of trading algorithms, ranging from traditional technical analysis to state of the art machine learning techniques, all suitable even for those without any programming skills.


Why should you trust in machine learning and not your gut?

1. Precision powered by data science

Backed by vast amounts of historical data and computational power, machines can make precise and complex decisions, assimilating many variables.

2. Lightning speed decisions

The near-unlimited computational power of machine intelligence outperforms the speed of human decision making and execution.

3. Big data insights

Machines are able to cut through unstructured data noise and find patterns in terabytes of data streams that would give a human cognitive overload.

How We Want To
Revolutionize Crypto Trading

How does Signals work?

SGNL 2Build algotrading models with no programming skills

No knowledge of machine learning is required for using the Signals model builder. Just choose from a variety of indicators, ranging from traditional technical analysis to deep learning or sentiment analysis based on media monitoring and combine them together.

If you do happen to be a developer or a data scientist, you can develop new trading indicators from scratch and monetize your data science skills through the Signals Indicator Marketplace.


SGNL 3Train your model before spending any money

Connect your model to a crypto exchange and backtest it with historical data in the Signals training center. Use our optimization algorithms and supportive analytics to find the best settings for your selected strategy.

Exploit our computational power connected to the decentralized super-computer or optimize the model on your own device with the use of Signals desktop application.

SGNL 4Use your trading model to generate profit

Once you’re confident about your trading model, use it on real-time data to make informed trading decisions. It’s up to you if you want to automate your trading or just get notified about trading opportunities.

Make your strategy adaptive by using our data science algorithm toolset. Your strategy will be constantly re-learning its settings to maximize profit based on new trends in the market.


SGNL 5.pngShare and monetize your trading strategy

Place your brand new trading model into the Signals Marketplace so that anyone can pay you to copy trade your successful strategy.

You can also discover and copy trade the most successful strategies in the Signals community and chat with others about your ideas and trading progress.

Product Roadmap



We have over 20 machine learning, blockchain and trading experts together with developers and growth hackers experienced with enterprise solutions. Here are the nine core members:

Pavel Němec

CEO & Co-founder
Experienced algorithmic crypto trader and a machine learning evangelist.

Since Signals enables monetizing machine learning algorithms, it will accelerate the process of research and democratization of machine intelligence.


Pavel Volek

CTO & Co-founder
Software architect, UX designer, and front-end developer.

I always wanted to solve big UX challenges. Making sense of cryptotrading for everyone is definitely a big one.


Jan Budík

Algorithmic Trading Expert
Ph.D. in algorithmic trading & 10 years of currency and commodity trading.

I’m focusing on the logic behind the combination of analysis tools, neural networks and genetic algorithms for optimization.


Zdeňka Šeděnka

Data Scientist
Data scientist with experience from industry and a machine learning research project funded by DARPA.

Signals will help traders focus on their strategies on a high level, rather than on debugging their code and spending weeks implementing basic features.


Michal Krajňanský

Machine Learning Specialist
Specialist on Semantic Technologies, AI and Natural Language Processing.

Machine learning helps traders fight emotions and cognitive biases. Combinations of ML methods allow for achieving state-of-the-art results.


Josef Jelacic

Smart Contract Developer
Crypto enthusiast and Prague Ethereum community organizer.

Always wanted to have a trading bot with more features but never had the time to build a solution beyond basic python technical analysis tracker.


Matouš Roskovec

Head of Growth Marketing
Content Creative Lead & 500 Startups Alumni.

I thought explaining our product might be difficult. After pitching it to several crypto traders I heard a resounding: Finally!


Jaroslav Šeděnka

Cryptography and Security Expert
Cryptographic researcher and mathematician with academic and industry experience.

Signals will significantly lower the barrier to starting algorithmic trading by removing the large upfront investments into development and infrastructure.


Martin Solárik

Backend Developer
.NET developer with financial systems development experience.

The architecture of our back-end system is Signals integral part and a must for growth.

Our Advisors


Gabriel Zanko

Fin-Tech Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur focused on machine learning and AI in fin-tech space.

Philip Staehelin
Entrepreneur and Investor
Former CEO of $500m company and Managing Partner of Roland Berger, and accelerator co-owner.

Milan Pašek

Founder & CEO @ Quantasoft
Expert in AI, biometric systems, and computer vision.

 Benn Godenzi

Blockchain Entrepreneur
Director of Marketing for Aion, STK Token, and CryptoCurve.

Martin Drdul

Fin-Tech Investor
Angel investor with a focus on AI and fin-tech.


Samuel McCulloch

Head of ICO Advisory & Investment for The Coin Lab.

Main SGN Token Sale will start on March 12, 2018

At the end of 2017, we sold 1,969,482 SGN tokens for over $500,000 in a token presale. The main Token Sale, targeting a hard cap of $18M, will be launched on March 12, 2018 at 14:00 UTC. Since the Signal Token (SGN) is a standard ERC20 token, you can purchase it for Ethereum and store it in a generic Ethereum wallet.

Learn more about SGN Token Sale

How to buy SGN tokens

Before you participate in the SGN Token Sale, you need to register with a valid ETH wallet and enter some standard KYC information. To find out more about the requirements, please check the Token Sale Guide.

Are you new to Signals?
Start a new registration.

What will you need to register? Standard ERC20 wallet and ID document

(We’re legally binded to request it)

Have you already registered?
Check registration status or enter KYC.

Do you need to check your registration? Or have you participated in the presale? Or do you need to finish the KYC process?




Introducing Signal token (SGN)

sgnl 8

sgnl 9

sgnl 10

sgnl 11




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